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World Sanskrit Day

World Sanskrit Day 31st August

Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages in the world and holds great significance in Indian culture and heritage. To Celebrate this great language, every year 31st August is celebrated as the world Sanskrit Day.

The celebration of Sanskrit Day and Sanskrit Diwas was declared by the government of India in 1969. The day was supposed to be a tribute to the work of the renowned Sanskrit scholar Paṇini and his legacy.

Sanskrit script is also called as Devnagari. Sanskrit is considered the language of the gods  (Dev Vani) by Hindus and is the root of many Indian languages. It is known for its complex grammar, precise pronunciation, and vast vocabulary. The ancient texts of Hinduism, such as the Vedas and Upanishads, were written in Sanskrit, making it a sacred language for religious rituals and chants.

World Sanskrit Day provides an opportunity to appreciate the beauty and depth of Sanskrit. It encourages the study and preservation of this ancient language, which is still relevant in various fields like linguistics, philosophy, yoga, and Ayurveda.

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